Im Folgenden sind die verschiedenen wissenschaftlichen Quellen gelistet, die zur Berechnung des CO2 Fußabdrucks herangezogen wurden. Außerdem wird die Berechnung der Einzelnen Aspekte verständlicher offengelegt.
Google Suche
“A google search; 5 minutes browsing smartphone”
Auszug aus: Berners-Lee, Mike (2022). “The Carbon Footprint of Everything” (2. Aufl.). Greystone Books.
„These estimates include the emissions embodied in the device, the electricity used to run it (assuming US electricity), and electricity use in the networks, data centers, and by the Wi-Fi router. They are based on an iPhone 11 with 128 GB that is kept for two years (see Using a smartphone, p. 126) and a 13-inch MacBook Pro with 128 GB storage that is kept for four years (see A computer (and using it), p. 140) that are connected to Wi-Fi. Doing a search over mobile networks has a lower footprint, because it does not require a Wi-Fi router; it comes to 0.11 g CO2e per minute for the internet, compared to 0.6 g CO2e per minute for Wi-Fi. For the spam email, I’m assuming that it’s sent to so many people that the footprint of the device it’s written on is negligible and that nobody reads them, so it’s just the footprint of the transmission, assuming it takes 5 seconds in networks and data centers to transmit the email.“
Kontakt per Email ø 5 Emails
“An Email; (10 min write, 3 min read laptop-to-laptop)”
Auszug aus: Berners-Lee, Mike (2022). “The Carbon Footprint of Everything” (2. Aufl.). Greystone Books.
“0.05 g CO2e spam email picked up by your filters
0.2 g CO2e short email going from phone to phone
0.4 g CO2e short email sent from laptop to laptop
17 g CO2e long email that takes 10 minutes to write and 3 minutes to read, sent from laptop to laptop
29 g CO2e an email that takes you 10 minutes to write, sent to 100 people, 99 of whom take 3 seconds to realize they should ignore it and one of whom reads it.4”
“Our average email traffic is equivalent to driving 10–128 miles in a small gas-powered car
The footprint of an email comes from the electricity needed to power the kit used at each stage of the process: the device it is written on, the network that sends it, the data center it is stored on, and the device it is read on. The devices at each end are the dominant factors, even if you send big attachments. As the pie chart overleaf shows, the embodied emissions of a smartphone represent 76 percent of a short email’s carbon footprint. That percentage would be higher for a laptop, and a step up again for a desktop computer.”
Kontakt per Anruf
“A Zoom Call”
Auszug aus: Berners-Lee, Mike (2022). “The Carbon Footprint of Everything” (2. Aufl.). Greystone Books.
4 g CO2e per hour on a 13-inch MacBook Pro
20 g CO2e per hour on a laptop of average efficiency
97 g CO2e per hour on a desktop computer with screen
+ embodied emissions in the computer
(–) 22 tons CO2e potential saving on a meeting in Hong Kong with one person flying from London and one flying from New York”
“A video call can save several commutes or tons of carbon from several flights
The chief footprint of a Zoom (or Teams/Skype/FaceTime/Google Hangouts) call is the embodied emissions from your hardware. The actual call is pretty minimal and not much different than regular computer use (see p. 140). But the emissions you avoid can be of a whole different order.”
Pauschaler Verbrauch von einem Arbeitstag
Distanz auf Grundlage der Angaben der Beschäftigungsstatistik der Bundesagentur für Arbeit (BA) zu Pendlern;
Erichsen, Cornelia (2020): Angaben der Beschäftigungsstatistik der Bundesagentur für Arbeit (BA) zu Pendlern aus 2019, Bundesagentur für Arbeit (BA), [online] https://t3n.de/magazin/inklusion-im-internet-so-werden-249553/
[abgerufen am 05.11.2022].
Heizung 6kg (average day gas boiler use) (Heating);
A gas boiler emits more annual CO2 than seven transatlantic flights. (o. J.). Nesta. Abgerufen 18.11.2022, von https://www.nesta.org.uk/press-release/gas-boiler-emits-more-annual-co2-seven-transatlantic-flights/
[abgerufen am 08.11.2022].
Air Conditioner av./day 5,9 KG
Kilgore, G. (2022, Juli 29). How to Reduce the Carbon Footprint of Your Air Conditioner by 100%. 8 Billion Trees: Carbon Offset Projects & Ecological Footprint Calculators; 8 Billion Trees. https://8billiontrees.com/carbon-offsets-credits/how-to-reduce-the-carbon-footprint-of-your-air-conditioner/)
[abgerufen am 08.11.2022].
Pauschaler Verbrauch von einem Arbeitstag = 11,36 Kg
Arbeitsweg 4,48 KG
(Arbeitsweg ø 32 km*700g = 22,4KG x 20% Anteil von einem einzelnen Event im Arbeitstag = 4,48 KG x 2 (Kunde und teamgeist)
Aufenthalt am Arbeitsplatz= 2,4kg
(Heizung oder Klimaanlage ca. 6KG x 2 (Kunde und teamgeist) = 12KG * 20% Anteil von einem einzelnen Event.)
ø Tagesverbrauch einer Person
Statistisches Bundesamt, Key table Carbon dioxide emissions (O. J.). Destatis.de. Abgerufen 10.11.2022, von https://www.destatis.de/EN/Themes/Countries-Regions/International-Statistics/Data-Topic/Tables/BasicData_CO2.html
Tagesverbrauch einer Person 7700kg in Deutschland (Stand 2020) / 365 Tage = 21kg an einem Tag
21kg x 2 Personen davon 20% für unser Event = 8,4 KG
Arbeitszeit Event anlegen Backend
“A computer (and using it)”
Auszug aus: Berners-Lee, Mike (2022). “The Carbon Footprint of Everything” (2. Aufl.). Greystone Books.
The computer
326 kg (717 lbs) CO2e 13-inch MacBook Pro, 128 GB storage
329 kg (724 lbs) CO2e low cost 14-inch HP Chromebook 14 G5
4 g CO2e per hour on 13-inch MacBook Pro
12 g CO2e per hour on 14-inch HP Chromebook 14 G5
98 g CO2e per hour on desktop computer with screen
37 g CO2e per hour for use of servers and networks1”
326kg Manufacturing (13” MacBook Pro 128gb)
326kg / 3 Jahre Nutzung = 109kg/Jahr -> 109kg/365Tage = 0.3kg/Tag -> 300g/24h = 12.5g/h
CO2 für Nutzung:
41g (1hr MacBook Pro= 4g) + (1 hr Server/Network= 37g) + 12.5g
Lagerung Pauschal von den Materialien
“Leaving the lights on” + “A unit of electricity”
Auszug aus: Berners-Lee, Mike (2022). “The Carbon Footprint of Everything” (2. Aufl.). Greystone Books.
“28 kg (62 lbs) CO2e 5-watt low-energy bulb for one year”
Low-energy bulb for one year / 60 Tage im Jahr
Anteil Event = 2 Tage p. Event = 156 Gramm (78g p.Tag * 60 Tage = 4,719 KG im Jahr (28 kg (62 lbs) CO2e 5-watt low-energy bulb for one year)
Equipment packen – Lager
Fahrtweg Personal zum Lager
“Driving a mile“
Auszug aus: Berners-Lee, Mike (2022). “The Carbon Footprint of Everything” (2. Aufl.). Greystone Books.
“Driving a mile
290 g CO2e in a small car doing a steady 60 mph (100 kph)
630 g CO2e in an average US car at 25 miles per gallon
My numbers are higher than those you normally see for driving. That is partly because I am including the emissions from the extraction, refining, and transportation of fuel as well as the burning of it. Even more importantly, I am factoring in the manufacture and maintenance of the vehicle itself.”
Anreise per Auto 80 Km (zwischen 400-800 Gramm p. km) = 700g*80Km= 56Kg
Koordination Mitarbeiter Kunde + Teamgeist vor Event
Siehe vorherige Quellen (Equipment packen – Lager, Pauschaler Verbrauch von einem Arbeitstag, ø Tagesverbrauch einer Person)
Anreise: Arbeitsweg ø 32 km*700g=22,5KG
Aufenthalt am Arbeitsplatz= 6kg (average day gas boiler use, gas-boiler-emits-more-annual-co2))= 28,5KG x 4 (Kunde und Teamgeist Team); 114 KG * 20% Anteil von einem einzelnen Event. = 22,8Kg
+ ø Tagesverbrauch pro Jahr / Tage einer Person = 35kg x 4 Personen davon 15 % für unser Event = 21 KG“
Vorbereitung Equipment pauschal
Vorbereitung iPads
“A unit of electricity”
Auszug aus: Berners-Lee, Mike (2022). “The Carbon Footprint of Everything” (2. Aufl.). Greystone Books.
“A unit of electricity
650 g CO2e from the US grid…
Electricity generation is one of the principal causes of global carbon emissions. However, the carbon cost of each unit of power varies greatly, depending on the precise mix of generating fuels used in your country. Icelandic electricity comes almost exclusively from fossil-fuel-free geothermal and hydro plants, so the only footprint comes from creating and maintaining the infrastructure. Australian and Chinese electricity, by contrast, comes mainly from highly polluting coal.”
Tabtour (ø7 iPads)
Ipad 4,2Kg Abnutzung + 4,55 Kg Ladung
Nutzungsdauer 2 Tage = 0,6 KG pro iPad
(217KG Totale Herstellung / 2 Jahre * 2 Tage Nutzung pro iPad)
Ladung = „650 g CO2e from the US grid“ 1 Unit of electricity (0,65*7 iPads = 4,55 Kg)
Emissionen teamgeist Team Anreise
Entsprechend 1 Guide mit Auto + 1 Guide mit Zug =
Anreise per Auto ø 150 Km = 700g*150Km= 105Kg
Anreise per Zug = 0,270 pro 1,6km = ø 160km = 27kg
“Traveling a mile by train”
Auszug aus: Berners-Lee, Mike (2022). “The Carbon Footprint of Everything” (2. Aufl.). Greystone Books.
“Traveling a mile by train
180 g CO2e the subway
270 g CO2e commuter rail
412 g CO2e Amtrak Intercity first class
A 40-mile intercity train trip has the same footprint as nine pints of milk
Although trains can be a relatively green way to get around, the figures above show that emissions from traveling by train are higher than you might think. All the numbers provided include the direct emissions and electricity consumption of the moving train itself, but also try to account for the embodied emissions from train manufacture, the upkeep of the train tracks, and the running of all the infrastructure.”
“Driving a mile“
Auszug aus: Berners-Lee, Mike (2022). “The Carbon Footprint of Everything” (2. Aufl.). Greystone Books.
“Driving a mile
290 g CO2e in a small car doing a steady 60 mph (90 kmh)
630 g CO2e in an average US car at 25 miles per gallon
Anreise per Auto 80 Km (zwischen 400-800 Gramm p. KM)= 700g*80Km= 56Kg
Emissionen Anreise mit Auto
Siehe “Driving a mile“
Gesamt-Anzahl Autos zur Anreise * Distanz in km zum Event * 700g
Siehe “Traveling a mile by train”
Teilnehmer*innen die mit Zug anreisen * Distanz in km zum Event * 0,270g
Heizung 6kg (average day gas boiler use) (Heating);
A gas boiler emits more annual CO2 than seven transatlantic flights. (o. J.). Nesta. Abgerufen 18.11.2022, von https://www.nesta.org.uk/press-release/gas-boiler-emits-more-annual-co2-seven-transatlantic-flights/
[abgerufen am 08.11.2022].
Air Conditioner av./day 5,9 KG
Kilgore, G. (2022, Juli 29). How to Reduce the Carbon Footprint of Your Air Conditioner by 100%. 8 Billion Trees: Carbon Offset Projects & Ecological Footprint Calculators; 8 Billion Trees. https://8billiontrees.com/carbon-offsets-credits/how-to-reduce-the-carbon-footprint-of-your-air-conditioner/)
[abgerufen am 08.11.2022].
Hotel Fußabdruck von einem Tag
Auszug aus: Berners-Lee, Mike (2022). “The Carbon Footprint of Everything” (2. Aufl.). Greystone Books.
“A night in a hotel”
75 kg (165 lbs) CO2e night in a lavish hotel with no eco-credentials
“Let’s look first at the high-carbon scenario. It’s one of those hotels where the TV and six lights are already on when you walk into your room. The room itself is too hot and you cool it by opening the window even though the radiator is on. There is a swimming pool with air conditioning. You order beef or lamb for dinner and it arrives with baby vegetables airfreighted from Peru. There is too much for you to eat. For dessert, you have strawberries, even though it is winter.
In the kitchens, half of the food cooked is thrown out at the end of the night. You stay one night, finding your way through three towels and a dressing gown, as well as your sheets. You have a full breakfast in the morning, giving the paper you ordered a quick glance before leaving it on the table (from where, surely, even in this hotel, it goes for recycling).
It’s wrong on all counts.”
Art des Events
Zu Fuß laufen
0,035/km (for a 70kg Person) = 0,35kg (10 km)
Ipad Nutzung
150kg in der Lebenszeit von 2 Jahren = 0,2106 pro Tag
Apple, i. P. (o. J.). Product Environmental Report. Apple.com. Abgerufen 5. September 2023, von https://www.apple.com/nz/environment/pdf/products/ipad/iPadPro_12.9-inch_PER_Mar2020.pdf
Food & Beverage
Durchschnitt ein Abendessen
Bundesumweltministerium (BMU). (2020, Juni 8). Mein Essen, die Umwelt und das Klima. bmuv.de; Bundesumweltministerium (BMU). https://www.bmuv.de/jugend/wissen/details/mein-essen-die-umwelt-und-das-klima
1,75 Tonnen CO2 pro Kopf und Jahr,
1,75/365= 4,7945 KG pro Tag,
40% davon Abendessen = 1,92 KG pro Person
Eine Flasche Wasser
Auszug aus: Berners-Lee, Mike (2022). “The Carbon Footprint of Everything” (2. Aufl.). Greystone Books.
„A liter (32 oz) bottle of water“
„480 g CO2e transported 600 miles by road“
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